have experience in servicing Vietnam, Malaysia and Laos.


mimcomicrosoftmetcashmec mlc maxhire mac m linmac lego l kpmg koustas-co konic-minolta kms-finacial-solutions kinnect kimberly-clark killing kfc kelloggs johson jameshardie inpex ing infosys incitec-pivot imfs identity-matters hungry-jacks hsbc hp honeywell herron-tockl-white hbose grundfos gpt goodman-fielder gen-i ferring fast-track fantastic fa experian exonmobil esso eq ebay dolby-digital dick-smith datacom cva cr cooper-partners conocophilips cochlear ckient-tem chicken-treat chevron-humanengery cgu cement cca-coca-colaamatil bt brindabella boeing bllabong biz-cover bert auto-general astrazeneca anglogold anglo-american amp amf american-express alcoa ag a 3 1-stop yahoo wyndham woodside william-buck westrac-cat volkswagen vodafone vaeai urban ugc ubs trappk toyota toll theuniversity0f-melbourne thales tenova telstra subway st-george starbucks-coffee speller southbank software smsglobal skm skamdia siemens shell seamless salmat roche rio rheem reliance ramsay quantum qsl qantas pwc pricewaterhouse pr plenary pkf pfizer pb panasonic-ideas ourclorox orica oracle-technologynetwork olex oil-serch oaklry novartis nolan-uda nissan nestle myob monash-university